Cubic Crystal Beads, Austrian Crystal, Square, plated, DIY, more colorsUS$ 18.77/Lot
Cubic Crystal Beads, Austrian Crystal, Cube, DIY & different sizeUS$ 1.58~2.7/PC
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, DIY & different size for choice, moreUS$ 0.14~0.27/PC
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, DIY & frosted, more colors for choiceUS$ 4.06/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, DIY, more colors for choice, 6mm, 20PCs/BagUS$ 0.37/Bag
Cubic Crystal Beads, Austrian Crystal, Square, DIY & different sizeUS$ 0.9~1.13/PC
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, polished, DIY & faceted, more colorsUS$ 1.58/PC
Cubic Crystal Beads, with Plastic Box, Square, stoving varnish, DIY &US$ 15.21~33.25/Box
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, DIY, more colors for choice, 3mm, ApproxUS$ 2.17/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, plated, different color and pattern for choiceUS$ 2.04~3.12/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, with Lampwork, Square, plated, DIY, Crystal CALUS$ 1.24~1.65/Bag
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, polished, DIY & faceted, more colorsUS$ 1.58/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, Square, DIY, Crystal, 8x8mmUS$ 3.16/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, with Plastic Box, Rectangle, DIY, 150x30x18mm, 280PCs/BoxUS$ 5.7/Box
Cubic Crystal Beads, Cube, faceted, more colors for choice, 6x6x6mmUS$ 7.32~11.82/Bag
Cubic Crystal Beads, Cubist, different styles for choice & facetedUS$ 7.83/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, Cube, plated, faceted, more colors for choice, 8mmUS$ 8.11/Strand
Cubic Crystal Beads, with Plastic Box, Round, plated, DIY, 80x10mm, 600PCs/BoxUS$ 8.17/Box
Cubic Crystal Beads, Cube, faceted, more colors for choice, 4x4x4mmUS$ 9.49/Bag
US$ 7.59/Bag -
Cubic Crystal Beads, Quartz, Drum, DIY & faceted, mixed colors, 8X6mmUS$ 11.97/Bag
Best Selling
Crystal Beads, Super Seven Crystal, irregular, random style
US$ 26.55
Round Crystal Beads, Super Seven Crystal, DIY &
US$ 15.39~39.33
Bicone Crystal Beads, Czech Crytal, DIY & different
US$ 0.11~0.23
Bicone Crystal Beads, Czech Crytal, DIY & different
US$ 0.14~0.23
Crystal Beads, DIY & different size for choice, more
US$ 0.72~2.03