Startseite > Schmuckmaterialien > Schmuckmaterialien > Messing Schmuck & 24K Gold-Schmuck > Gefüllte Goldschmuck

Messing Fingerring, vergoldet, verschiedene Stile für Wahl & für Frau, goldfarben, frei von Nickel, Blei & Kadmium, verkauft von PC

  • Artikel Nr.:2210141438593229
  • Stücke:
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  • Volumen Gewicht:
  • Preis:US$ 0.45~0.9 /PC
  • Farbe:goldfarben
  • Handwerk:vergoldet
  • Harmlos:frei von Nickel, Blei & Kadmium
Ermäßigung enden:
    • Farbe:
      The inner diameter of the drill face is 17 wide and 1.4mmThe inner diameter of large wave is 17 and the thickness is 0.9mmThe inner diameter of small wave is 16.5 and the thickness is 0.8mmThe inner diameter of the section is 16.5 and the thickness is 1.5mmThe inner diameter of the batch is 16.5 and the thickness is 1.2mmFigure 8 ring with 2mm wide openingThe inner diameter of the twist pattern is 17 and the diameter is 1.2mmRing with bead thickness 1mm open ring

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